Federal Judge Blocks Obama Immigration Orders

by Martin Arguello

A federal judge in Texas has temporarily blocked the enforcement of President Obama’s recent executive orders on immigration. U.S. District Judge Andrew S. Hanen, an appointee by then-President George W. Bush, ruled that the Obama immigration orders should be suspended as the case moves forward through the court system. However, Judge Hanen’s ruling does not make a statement on the allegations of illegal and unconstitutional actions behind the Obama immigration orders.

Obama Immigration Orders Give Reprieve to Undocumented Workers

The Obama immigration orders were announced in November, shortly after the 2014 midterm elections. One of the orders would allow undocumented immigrants who were the parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to apply for work permits. Another order allowed minor children who came to the U.S. illegally to apply for a three-year reprieve from deportation. The Obama immigration orders stemmed from delays in the Republican-led Congress to address the status of more than 11 million undocumented workers.

Republicans Sue to Stop Obama Immigration Orders

A lawsuit filed to block the Obama immigration orders came from 26 state attorneys general, most of them Republicans. The lawsuit alleges that the Obama immigration orders allowed the President to overstep the Constitutional restrictions on the powers of his office. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott filed the initial lawsuit last December, while he was serving as the state’s attorney general. Governor Abbott accused the President of “abdicat(ing) his responsibility to uphold the United States Constitution” and issuing the immigration orders “via executive fiat.”

Congress Opposes Obama Immigration Orders

The individual states are not the only source of opposition to the Obama immigration orders. Numerous Republican members of Congress have also spoken out on the perceived constitutionality of the Obama immigration orders. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) cited the orders as part of the President’s “legacy of lawlessness.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) claimed that the President “doesn’t have the authority to take these kinds of actions.” Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) claims that President Obama “acted outside the law and went around Congress” when making the orders.

ACLU: Obama Immigration Orders Ruling Could Force “Do-Over”

Supporters of the Obama immigration orders stated that the ruling would not have any long-term effects and were confident Judge Hanen’s decision would be overturned on appeal. Cecilia Wang, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s Immigrants’ Rights Project, stated that the dispute over the Obama immigration orders was “not a constitutional thing” and, even if the ruling was upheld, would result “in a do-over” for the President. Debbie Smith, associate general counsel of the Service Employees International Union, told her union members that the Hanen ruling should be seen as “a timeout (or) a bump in the road,” rather than a permanent issue regarding undocumented workers.

Source: Washington Post

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