A judge in the 346th district court in El Paso, TX struck down an insurance company’s attempts to conceal documents requested under discovery. The Defendant claimed these documents were privileged and protected, though the Judge did not agree and granted Plaintiff’s motion to compel.

Si usted es como la mayoría de las personas, en algun momento de la temporada navideña usted fue de compras a Target; existe la posibilidad que usted es uno de los 110 millones de personas queines su información personal fue comprometida. En lo que esta siendo llamado una de las brechas de seguridad mas grandes […]

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Como negociar un arreglo con su arrendador Para cualquier problema con su arrendador, es usualmente recomendado que se resuelva la disputa directamente con la persona que le renta su propiedad. En lugar de buscar inmediatamente ayuda legal. Sin embargo, si la relación esta tan tenza que parece imposible y es infructuoso el llegar a un […]

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Iniciando el proceso de legalización de un testamento en realidad es bastante simple. Aún cuando el difunto halla muerto sin un Testamento, se debe presenter ante el Tribunal Testamentario de Texas, require de su legalización. En cuanto la aplicación es ingresada, ante el Tribunal Testamentario de la Ley del Estado, usted debe esperar de una […]

So what exactly is a will anyway? A will is a legal affirmation where a person transfers property at death. What makes a will a will is that it must meet the requirements and guidelines of the Texas Estates Code. What does “probate” mean? Probate is rooted in the Latin word for “to prove,” which […]

What organizations manage Do Not Call Lists? The Federal Trade Commission oversees and imposes the National Do Not Call Registry. The Public Utility Commission manages the Texas “No Call Lists”. What’s the difference between the Federal Communications Commission’s National Do Not Call Registry and the Texas “No Call Lists”? The Texas “No Call Lists” are […]

What is nursing home neglect? When a senior does not receive the certain necessities such as medical attention, nutrition, clothing, or general care, this is neglect. Investigating such failures and shortcomings helps decided whether any such situation arose out of neglect, or abuse. What happens when a senior complains of neglect or abuse? It is […]

What are the responsibilities of my landlord? Landlords are charged with the responsibility of ensuring the safety and maintenance of building. Landlords must make strives to provide basic living necessities such as cold/hot water, in addition to making repairs. Can you name some tenant responsibilities? Pay the rent punctually. Keep your dwelling in good, clean […]

What is a construction defect? Virtually any condition that lowers your home’s worth can be perceived as a construction defect. What’s the best way to prove that a defect even exists? In most cases, you will need to call on the services of an industry expert. There are myriad types of experts that might be […]

Why is First-Party Property Insurance so important? First-Party Property Insurance deals with claims filed by insured persons who contend that they suffered a loss and seek compensation for that loss. Do I have grounds to bring suit against my insurer? If your home, car or other property has been damaged due to natural forces like […]

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