Last week, we discussed how divorce affects Social Security benefits. Couples over 50 years of age who considering divorce must also think about how splitting up will alter their plans for retirement. A study conducted at Bowling Green State University found that 14 percent of divorced men, and nearly one-third of all divorced women, at […]
Actress Diane Guerrero, star of “Jane the Virgin” and “Orange Is the New Black”, was separated from her parents and brother after their immigration arrests when she was 14. She told her story to National Public Radio and related how she learned that her family had been rounded up in an immigration arrest and were […]
The state of Louisiana has a reputation for its unique and vibrant approach to life. However, some aspects of Louisiana medical malpractice law, while unique among the other states, can leave patients seeking justice for medical mistakes at a severe disadvantage. A recent article in the online version of the New Orleans Times-Picayune examined how […]
Divorce is never easy, but it can be especially trying for older couples. Each spouse must be aware of how the divorce will affect their retirement benefits packages. Many older couples have questions regarding their divorce and Social Security benefits. The Social Security Administration has established rules on how a couple going through a divorce […]
Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters that his fellow House Republicans would file an Obama immigration lawsuit against the President’s immigration policies. The Obama immigration lawsuit follows from similar suits filed by more than 25 state attorneys general. These suits claim that the President overstepped his Constitutional authority by issuing executive orders […]
Divorce is never easy, even under the most amicable of circumstances. Thousands of couples every year find out that, despite their best efforts, they can’t make their marriages work. Many of these couples never prepare themselves for the possibility of divorce. They often don’t know what to do, where to go or how to start […]
A professor of medicine at the University of Illinois published two papers stating that medical malpractice award caps do not significantly lower health care costs. Professor David Hyman co-authored the papers that examined the relationship between medical malpractice award caps and health care costs. One of the papers found that award caps had no effect […]
A Texas fatal accident involving a train and a prison bus has prompted the state legislature to call for a review of prison transport methods. The Texas fatal accident took place on January 14. Ten of the fifteen passengers on a Texas Department of Criminal Justice bus died when the bus struck a train. Several […]
A report from the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that half of all arrests by federal officials were immigration arrests. The report showed the number of immigration arrests rose from 84,749 in 2009 to 85,458 in 2012. The report shows that these arrests were largely concentrated around the U.S.-Mexico border, with 60 percent of all […]
A Texas domestic violence case has reportedly resulted in the deaths of a woman and her three children. Jonathan Camacho, 23, was charged in the deaths of his wife, Dulce Cumpean-Camacho, 23, and the couple’s three children. Police identified the children as four-year-old boy Zavier, one-year-old girl Ciara and two-month-old girl Faith. All four reportedly […]