Theft Insurance Claim

The aftermath of personal property theft can be devastating, considering the items stolen can be invaluable to the owner. In addition to their material worth, personal possessions can have deep significance to the owner that no financial compensation can begin to make up for.

According to a report from the United States’ Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), in 2011 there were approximately 27 instances of burglary that resulted in the theft of personal property per every 1,000 households across the U.S.

Of those completed burglaries, the incidence of theft of an electronic device is up from 28% in 2001 to 34% in 2011. This national data highlights the fact that, despite increased home security in recent years, a person who wishes to trespass on your property and steal personal items is likely going to find a way to do so.

Although the personal significance of these items can’t be restored, it is necessary to recover compensation, though, for stolen items. Because it is a practical need to replace or be compensated for any items that have been stolen from you, it is important to have an insurance policy that covers the theft of personal property.

However, as always with insurance companies, filing a claim and receiving the full amount of compensation that you are entitled to can sometimes be a very difficult endeavor.

If you or a loved one has been the victim of theft of personal property and were denied the claim by your insurance company or they disputed the claim, there are legal actions you can take to rectify the situation.

To find out how we can help, just fill out the “Free Case Evaluation” form on this page. You will find it at the top, left-hand side. It is 100% FREE and there is no obligation that you pursue any legal course of action.

What To Do In The Event Of A Theft

The most important steps to take require preventing instances of theft, so always have a running inventory of any and all personal items that you would want to claim if they were stolen.

The most important actions to take immediately following the discovery of a theft are:

  • 911- Contact 911 and report the burglary
  • Stay Safe- Secure the safety of you and your loved ones by following the 911 dispatcher’s instructions
  • What’s Missing? Once you are safe, take note of any missing items
  • Inventory- Refer to your inventory of items (this should include photos or receipts of your personal property, as well as others who have witnessed their presence in your home)
  • File A Claim- Contact your insurance provider and ask what steps need to be taken to file a claim


Remember, prior to a theft you should have documentation of your belongings to claim them on your insurance.

Filing a police report will lend credibility to the circumstances but the most effective method of recovering compensation for stolen items is always having a solid, organized record of them beforehand.

In the event that the policyholder’s claim is denied or disputed, the pain and suffering that the victim of theft will experience from a drawn-out insurance dispute only worsens the situation they have just survived.

Don’t allow your insurance company to deny you the compensation you deserve for the theft of your personal property. Seek legal counsel from a litigator who understands first party property insurance and explore your rights. There is no need to suffer in silence or without due compensation for your personal belongings.

Contact Our Houston Theft Claim Lawyers

the Arguello Law Firm are skilled in the area of first party property insurance, and are dedicated to representing the victims of incidents of personal property theft in order to ensure justice is done.

Insurance litigation can be a difficult arena to navigate, and the attorneys of the Arguello Law Firm are proud to be an ally for the victims of insurance claims relating to the theft of your possessions. With dedication and intelligence, our law firm is proud to guide you through your insurance claim, and be your legal representatives in the courtroom.

the Arguello Law Firm has offices in:

  • Houston, TX
  • Birmingham, AL
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Joplin, MO

In addition, we proudly represent clients from most of the surrounding cities and towns in those states.

To find out how we can help you, contact us today at 1-800-25-STORM (1-800-257-8676) and our intake team will quickly connect you to one of our first party property insurance attorneys that is best suited to handling your specific case.

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